
Foysal Khan's picture

Meeting - LANIR 36 Month Meeting at GNR, Italy, 16 - 17 March 2015




The LANIR Month 36 meeting took place in the facilities of GNR outside Milan in Italy on 16 and 17 March 2015.There was a strong focus by partners on delivering on the objectives of the project with the project end now approaching.

Partners focus was also on how best to achieve the impact from the project and allow for the future exploitation of the research undertaken during the project.

Foysal Khan's picture

Meeting - LANIR 30 Month Review Project Meeting at University of Limerick, Ireland, 28– 30 October 2014


The Month 30 Meeting took place in Limerick, Ireland and was hosted within the Tierney Building at the University of Limerick. The meeting also consisted of a visit of UL LANIR labs at University of Limerick by the Consortium Members. Partners presented and provided an overview of key action for M30-M36 meeting, M36 meeting will take place in Milan on 16 -17th March 2015.

Foysal Khan's picture

Poster - Far-field Infrared Absorption Microscopy Beyond Diffraction Limit, Nanoweek Conference 2013, Ireland



This poster was presented at Nanoweek Conference 2013 in Dublin, Ireland. Summry of the poster is given below:

John Mulcahy's picture

Publication - Optics Express - High resolution imaging with differential IR absorption

High resolution imaging with differential infrared absorption micro-spectroscopy


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