This project proposes a novel imaging tool Infra Red Nanoscope (IRN) that will break away from this diffraction limit. IRN will significantly improve the lateral resolution of IR microscopy on a table-top set up from the current state-of-the-art of 100 micron to 70 nm. It will also perform 3D imaging at a resolution of 500 nm + continue reading ...
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Project Overview

Project Partners

The LANIR Project has Partners from Ireland, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Romania and France
Materials and Surface Science Institute (MSSI)
University of Limerick Ireland
LaserSpec Belgium
MultiTel ASBL Belgium
GNR Srl. Italy
NT-MDT Ireland, Ltd. Ireland
PlasmaChem GmbH Germany
LEMI France
Centre for Microscopy-... + continue reading ...
Wednesday, October 21, 2015:
An open discussions on issues and challenges in taking Infra Red Nanoscopy using the far field technique to applications in clinic and industrial metrology. The discussion was a public dissemination of the LANIR Project at the NanoNet Conference with an overview of LANIR applications.
Moderator: Dr. Tofail Syed, University of Limerick, LANIR Coordinator
Professor Hugh Byrne, Dublin Institiute of...+ continue reading
Monday, October 19, 2015: Abstract: The well-known saying of “Seeing is believing” became even more apt in biology when stimulated emission depletion (STED) nanoscopy was introduced in 1994 by the Nobel laureate S. Hell and coworkers. We presently stand at a juncture. Nanoscopy represented a revolution in fluorescence microscopy but now is a mature technique applied to many branches of biology, physics, chemistry, and materials science. We are currently...+ continue reading
Sunday, October 4, 2015: The LANIR Project Final meeting will take place during the Nanoweek Ireland 2015 Conference being hosted at the University of Limerick.
The Nanoweek Conference brings together Ireland’s best nanotechnology & advanced materials researchers & engineers. It also brings together international speakers with direct experience in building technology companies, representatives from Irish industry, research and investment communities to...+ continue reading
Friday, September 4, 2015: Nobel Laureate, Prof. Stefan Hell, recently visited one of the LANIR Microscopes developed during the EC cofunded LANIR project and based at the Partner UPB.
Prof Hell of the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany won the Nobel Prize in 2014 for the development of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy.
More details at continue reading